Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Golden Monkeys- Volcanos National Park

Woke up at 4am to go to the northern border of the country- Volcanos National Park. This is where Dian Fossey did her famous Gorilla research and conservation project and where these poor animals have been poached to near extinction for lack of any government protection near the borders (Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda). Today, the army patrols the area regularly to keep poachers away and an influx of tourists keep bringing money to support the park. 
Seeing the Gorillas is expensive business, so we settled for watching the Golden Monkeys. Beautiful and extremely energetic, they were very hard to photograph. Here are a few samples from the road and the park (and one construction site in Kigali that looked cool). 

1 comment:

  1. עכשיו ברור למה רואנדה היא ארץ הגבעות..
    תמונות מרגשות ועושות חשק לניות שם ממש
